The C.G. Jung Foundation of New York Summer Study 2014: One-week Intensive Programs

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It’s almost June, but there is still time to plan for the Summer!


In July, the C.G. Jung Foundation for Analytical Psychology will host its twenty-sixth annual Summer Study Intensive Program.


Our first week, which will be presented July 7-11, is entitled “Paths of Consciousness.”

Our second week, which will be presented July 14-18, is entitled “Dark Forces of the Psyche.”


Full details are on our web site at


In our first program, we will pay particular attention to our interior lives, starting with a simple letting go and centering.  In turn, we will explore the art of expanding consciousness through creativity and Jung’s idea of individual and psychological wholeness.  We will go deeper, examining our death consciousness and Jung’s notion of the “returned dead” that he explores in The Red Book.  We will conclude the week by discussing dream as a mirror of the soul and a possible route to our own transfiguration.


In our second program, we will examine in some detail the dark forces of the psyche that exist along a psychological continuum.  We will look at betrayal as transformation, the archetypes associated with trauma, and the anatomy of psychosis.  We will explore narcissism in Virginia Wolf’s fiction and conclude with a discussion of how Jung’s Answer to Job might signal a way out of our obsessions and addictions.


As always, the Foundation staff will also provide you with any information that you might need regarding individual exploration of New York City during your week here. A fully detailed brochure of these programs will be sent to you shortly. Please reserve your place now in that registration is limited.


All of your instructors are experts in their field and will be available for the entire day, which will allow for more time for processing of material, interaction with each other, and ample opportunity for discussion and questions.


Our advanced programs are always very special ones for all of our students, not only in terms of intellectual content, but also in terms of both friendships and memories formed. The social aspect has become a hallmark of this program and a large contributing factor to its continual success.  Our traditional morning breakfasts and Thursday evening dinner party remain as times to meet with old friends from the past programs and to make new ones as well.


The Jung Foundation staff will also provide you with any information that you might need regarding individual exploration of New York City during your week here.


You can find complete Summer Study program details are on our web site at


Reserve your place now in that registration is limited!


Join us this summer and share in a very special experience.  If you have any questions, please feel free to call Janet Careswell at the Foundation at (212) 697-6430.


All of the C.G. Jung Foundation program information can be found online at


We look forward to meeting you in July!

Categorias: Notícias

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